Python and CGI

M.-A. Lemburg mal at
Thu Apr 29 09:57:12 EDT 1999

Hi everybody,

Yesterday, I mailed an announcement for mxCGIPython, a drop-in
setup extension for the Python source distribution that allows
compiling a one-file executable containing the standard Python
interpreter + the standard library + the default builtin
modules. The result is a complete Python installation in one
single file -- easy to install and ship around.

Although there were a number of hits on the web-page, I'm not
sure whether the announcement got the message through... this
is intended to be a campaign with the goal of promoting Python
as CGI engine.

I've further enhanced and simplified the setup, so that producing
these binaries really becomes a very simple and highly automated
task. Basically all you have to do is unarchive the source
distribution, the setup I provide on the web-page below and
then type 'make -f Makefile.cgi'.

I'll collect the submitted binaries on the starship FTP server
for everybody to download at their ISPs (if they don't already
support Python).

Hope this campaign becomes a success...

Marc-Andre Lemburg                               Y2000: 246 days left
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