PIL font questions

Joseph J. Strout joe at strout.net
Thu Apr 8 18:48:18 EDT 1999

At 3:37 PM -0700 04/08/99, David Ascher wrote:

>There is a bunch of PIL fonts as part of the "FULL" Snow distribution.  Feel
>free to steal.

Thanks!  Er, but where do I get that?  I just downloaded a fresh copy of
Snow 1.26, and I can't seem to find these there.

FYI, I'm working on a PIL backend to PIDDLE.  I think you already have a
PIL backend for Snow, but if my piddlePIL works out nicely, and assuming
you're planning to also support PIDDLE, then you may be able to use that
rather than maintaining your own PIL-drawing code.  Just a thought.

-- Joe
|    Joseph J. Strout           Biocomputing -- The Salk Institute |
|    joe at strout.net             http://www.strout.net              |

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