Tkinter performance

Greg Landrum landrum at
Mon Apr 19 11:26:49 EDT 1999

While I'm at it, I have a performance question about Tkinter.

I am thinking about doing a python/Tkinter port of a program
which currently uses C/Xlib (or C/quickdraw on the Mac). I'd
love to get this to work because then I would (finally) have
a version which could work under Win95/98/NT.  But I'm worried
about performance issues.

The program does 3D graphics (molecular/crystal visualization
and orbital plots).  I handle all of the perspective/transformation
stuff myself, so I don't need any 3D functionality.  I do need
something which can draw reasonably quickly however.

Suppose I need to draw a couple hundred circles and several
thousand line segments (these are mostly connected, so I can
use things like XDrawLines to cut down function calls) at
every update.  
1) Can Tkinter on a "typical" PC (say a P200) deliver a 
"reasonable" update rate (a couple of frames per second 
would probably cut it)? 
2) Is there anyway to do double-buffering to avoid flashing
during redraws?

I am guessing that the answer to both of these of these questions
is "No", but I'd love to hear a contrary opinion.

I have considered using something like wxPython, but that cuts
the portability of the application down rather than increasing
it.  At least until there are bindings for the Motif/Lesstif
versions of wxWindows.

thanks for any help,

Dr. Greg Landrum  (landrum.NOSPAM at
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Aachen University of Technology

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