Python and Qt+KDE

Andrew M. Kuchling akuchlin at
Tue Apr 6 16:02:05 EDT 1999

boud at writes:
>I'm currently working my way through the KDE tutorials, translating from
>c++ (which I don't know much about) to Python (which I am learning

	Might I encourage you to make your translations available,
whether as a tar file or as a revised Qt-Examples howto?
( They'd probably be very
useful to other people trying to learn Qt.

	Also, is there a mailing list where the pyKDE bindings are
discussed?  There doesn't seem to be much discussion on kde-devel
about them.
A.M. Kuchling
He spoke to the scar-dancers, to the straw-dust-women, to the old man with a
swan's arm who tends the back stairs, to the three children of the autopsy, to
the painters and the scriveners and the walls.
    -- From a week in Dream's life, in SANDMAN #64: "The Kindly Ones:8"

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