Tkinter bug in Misc.tkraise, Canvas.tkraise

Tamito Kajiyama kajiyama at
Tue Apr 6 15:51:49 EDT 1999

"John Michelsen" <john.michelsen at> writes:
| I found a bug in using Tkinter to raise a canvas widget above later
| packed (etc.) widgets.  It seems Tkinter gets confused between the
| Misc.tkraise() method and the Canvas.tkraise(item) methods.
| The following script shows the problem:
| from Tkinter import *
| def raiseCanvas():
|     canvas1.lift()
|     #canvas1.tkraise()
|     #canvas1.widgetlift()
| root = Tk()
| canvas1 = Canvas(root, bg='blue')
|, y=10, anchor=NW)
| canvas2 = Canvas(root, bg='red')
|, y=20, anchor=NW)
| raiseButton = Button(root, text='raiseCanvas', command=raiseCanvas)
| raiseButton.pack()
| root.geometry("%dx%d" % (100,100))
| root.mainloop()

You can call Misc.lift (overriden by Canvas.lift) as follows:

    def raiseCanvas():

In general, you can call a base class method overriden by a subclass
method by BaseClassName.methodname(SubClassInstance, arguments).

You'll find that the same technique is used in the __init__ methods of
the Tkinter widget classes.

KAJIYAMA, Tamito <kajiyama at>

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