smtplib hang on send "data <crlf>" to MS SMTP server

Tim Peters tim_one at
Tue Apr 27 23:06:22 EDT 1999

[max at]
> code which works fine with netscape SMTP mail server, fails (hangs) when
> attempting to send mail to a MicroSoft SMTP server.  In the
> module following the call to putcmd("data") the data() calls getreply
> and never returns. Does anyone have an idea what is happening here?  The
> server seems to work with other clients. thanks max

Try posting a complete executable failing example?  If you're not going to
track it down, you need to pass on enough info so someone else can <0.9
wink>.  MS SMTP servers in my experience follow the most restrictive
possible reading of the protocol specs, and will just sit there if you e.g.
so much as include an extraneous blank.

Also be clear about which version of Python you're using, and which OS. has changed a *lot* since 1.5.1 (have you tried 1.5.2?).

upgrading-is-a-cure-for-many-ills-ly y'rs  - tim

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