ConfigParser module and alternatives (flad, flan)

Brad Howes bhowes at
Mon Apr 12 16:22:44 EDT 1999

>>>> Thus spake 'Jim Meier (fatjim at':

 JM> Mike Orr wrote:

 >> I'm not sure if I'll use ConfigParser for the next version.  I don't
 >> really need the sections (multiple files work just fine, using the filename
 >> for the section name), and I haven't found a use for the the %(other_key)s
 >> substitutions.  On the other hand, it doesn't handle multiple values (the
 >> same key repeated within a record), which I sometimes need.
 >> Attached is a wrapper class for ConfigParser which supports booleans
 >> and can also return an entire section as a dictionary (or all the sections
 >> as nested dictionaries).  I find these make it a little more convenient.

 JM> Why not simply use a file of python expressions? Like this:

Or classes (which is what I've used in several apps):

  class Section1:
      key1 = [ 1, 2, 3, 'value', [ 'useful, 'nesting', 'eh?' ] ]
      key2 = 'anotherval'

Brad Howes                           bhowes at
Principal Compass Hacker             Work: +1 602 446 5219
Motorola                             Cell: +1 602 768 0735

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