Python IS slow ! [was] Re: Python too slow for real world

Markus Kohler markus_kohler at
Thu Apr 29 04:17:41 EDT 1999

>>>>> "William" == William Tanksley <wtanksle at> writes:

    William> Your data is correct (Python is slow for many things,
    William> slower than it needs to be), but your conclusion is
    William> wrong.  Python isn't slow because its bytecode engine is
    William> slow; actually, although there's a lot of room for
    William> improvement, its bytecode engine is faster than many of
    William> the others out there.

It seems to me that *most* of the byte code engine is ok. 

    William> The reason it's slow is its runtime model.  _Every_
    William> function call requires a lookup in a hash table, just on
    William> the off-chance that the programmer changed the meaning of
    William> the function.

That is the same in Smalltalk (squeak). You can build new classes and new
methods at runtime and everything still works as expected. 

    >> It seems to me that without a redesign of at least the bytecode
    >> for function calls python's speed will not take off.

    William> Bytecode won't help enough -- the whole calling model
    William> needs to be examined.  Fortunately, that's one of the
    William> things the 2.0 design process will be looking at.  Like
    William> you, I hope that they consider Smalltalk as an example.

I hope so too. My point was exactly that the bytecode for doing the 
function call seems to be the problem. 

    William> And Oberon (SlimBinaries), and Eiffel (typing and general
    William> compile-time error catching), and ...

  OPTIONAL types would be cool. 


Markus Kohler  mailto:markus_kohler at

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