GUI other than Tkinter

Cameron Laird claird at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM
Mon Apr 26 16:05:41 EDT 1999

In article <lthfq34dtz.fsf at>, Lloyd Zusman  <ljz at> wrote:
>claird at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (Cameron Laird) writes:
>> 			.
>> 			.
>> 			.
>> <URL:>
>I appreciate this useful list.
You're welcome.  Please be aware that I often
know more than what appears in these documents;
I might not get around to expressing it readably,
though, until someone expresses a definite interest.
When you ask particular questions, as you do below,
sometimes I can unpack other notes of mine and
update the documents to make them more useful.
That's what I'm working to do now with the fltk
>Also ... I noticed a refernce to `fltk' on this list, and I downloaded
>and built it.  However, I don't notice any Python support as part of
>this distribution, and I'm wondering why `fltk' is on this "Python GUI"
>list.  Is there somewhere else where a Python interface to `fltk'
>might exist?
I've sent a copy of your question to a couple
of people likely to know more.

Cameron Laird 
claird at      +1 281 996 8546 FAX

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