Using the compression module

Andrew M. Kuchling akuchlin at
Mon Apr 26 15:36:49 EDT 1999

Benjamin Derstine writes:
>From the gzip documentation:
>open (fileobj[, filename[, mode[, compresslevel]]])
>     Returns a new GzipFile object on top of fileobj, which can be a regular
>file, a StringIO object, or any object which simulates a file.

	Are you sure that's what the documentation says?  The current
documentation has filename, mode, compresslevel, fileobj, which
matches the code.  Check the current documentation on .


	The first line opens Audit.dbf for reading.  However, if you
want to make a compressed version of it, the second line is wrong;
it's trying to make a compressed file object from the uncompressed
/Audit.dbf.  Instead, you need to open a compressed file for writing:

test=gzip.GzipFile('Auditc', 'w')

test.write() will then write data to the compressed file, so you need
a loop to copy between the two files:

while 1:
    chunk =    # Work in chunks of 4K
    if chunk == "": break   # End-of-file?  Break out of the loop
    test.write( chunk )

A.M. Kuchling
I had known him for years in a casual way, but I had never seen very deeply
into him. He seemed to me to have more conscience than is good for any man. A
powerful conscience and no sense of humour -- a dangerous combination.
    -- Robertson Davies, _The Rebel Angels_


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