DLL Prob Win32com

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at alpha1.csd.uwm.edu
Fri Apr 9 02:15:30 EDT 1999

Get strange errors, when using PythonWin (win32all-124)
with Python 1.5.2b2 or 1.5.2c1 on this Windows 95 machine here.
The installprogram said that
	AXScript, Python Interpreter and Python Dictionary
couldn't be registered. Should be registered manually.

How can I do that?

When importing COM stuff, I get:
import pythoncom
Traceback (innermost last):  File "<interactive input>", line 1, 
in ?ImportError: 
DLL load failed: A device attached to the system is not functioning.

Reading documentation I know about possible old COM dlls as noted on
but my error message seems to be different.

That why I though I just ask again. :-)
(Python.org is not reachable from here right now, so I cannot
follow the link on Hammond's page to find out more about that DLLs.)
Is it save to install them? 

Another thing:
The example in the architecture.html file seems to be out of
data. It should be:
	from pywin.mfc import dialog

(it is just not nice, if beginners stumble over on of the first examples.)


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