stupid Win-CGI getting started question

Duncan Booth duncan at
Thu Apr 15 04:49:13 EDT 1999

bill_seitz at wrote in <7f2no0$n80$1 at>:

>> The way I get CGI scripts to run with Netscape Enterprise server on NT 
is to
>> put them in .cmd files instead of .py files.
>So nobody can run .py files as CGI?
>Is this a known problem? What's its scope? Only Netscape/NT? What about 
>What about Netscape/Solaris?
I didn't say it was impossible to run .py files as CGI, simply that I had 
problems getting it to work. Since my number one priority was not to take 
the web server off-line at all, there were limits to how far I could play 
around with it. I'm sure there must be some way to get it to work, but I 
got enough for my purposes.

Duncan Booth                                    duncan at
int month(char *p){return(124864/((p[0]+p[1]-p[2]&0x1f)+1)%12)["\5\x8\3"
"\6\7\xb\1\x9\xa\2\0\4"];} // Who said my code was obscure?

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