what do you do with Python

Georg Mischler schorsch at schorsch.com
Thu Apr 15 05:39:05 EDT 1999

susan e paolini  wrote:
> I never see jobs with Python advertised so what is it that Python does?
> Thanks for the advice

I am writing a user interface and project management application based
on one of the most advanced physically based lighting simulation
toolkits available. This is a commercial project, and will probably
end up with more than 20 kloc of python.
In any other language that could decently solve the task, this would
result in about five times as much code, which would mean that I'd
have to hire one or two programmers to help me. Since I can't afford
that, the project would have simply died without python.

You will often find similar situations, where one python programmer
can eliminate several job offers for other language programmers.
Somehow, python is slowing down it's own growth through its key
strength here...

Have fun!


Georg Mischler  --  simulation developper  --  schorsch at schorsch.com
+schorsch.com+  --  lighting design tools  --  http://www.schorsch.com/

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