Different methods with same name but different signature?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Thu Apr 15 10:56:29 EDT 1999

Kevin Dahlhausen wrote:
> >imho, it's also an improvement over the pure visitor pattern,
> >since it allows you to generate "logical events" that doesn't
> >correspond to "physical" data instances in your model.
> I don't quite follow you.  Can you explain this in a more detail?

here's an example from my upcoming Python book:

one chapter deals with a simple 2D animation system.  its
animation subsystem generates Movie object, which has a
list of Frame objects, each of which contain a list of Sprite

this representation can be rendered to a display, to vector
graphic file formats, or to raster images (e.g. GIF animations,
or "ARG" files).  the rendering machinery is implemented via
visitors, using the following interface:

    class Renderer(MovieRenderer):
        def movie_start(self, movie)
            # called before any subframes
        def movie_end(self, movie)
            # called after all subframes
        def frame_start(self, frame)
            # called for each new Frame, before
            # any shapes are visited
        def frame_end(self, frame)
            # called for each Frame, after all
            # shapes
        def sprite(self, sprite)
            # called for each Sprite

the render implementations need to do things both before
and after each Frame (e.g. blank the image memory for each
new Frame, and flush the result to disk afterwards).

the Movie, Frame, and Sprite classes have methods looking
something like:

    class Frame:
        def accept(self, visitor):
            for sprite in self.sprites:


makes sense?

anyone got a better solution? (but be warned that code that includes
apply(self.__do[tuple(map(type, args))], (self,) + args) (*) or similar stuff
is automatically disqualified ;-)


*) taken from an old post of mine...  what was I thinking...

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