SWIG, Modulator, BGEN, etc. - which? (Re: swig or not to swig ?)

Randall Hopper aa8vb at vislab.epa.gov
Tue Apr 6 10:34:12 EDT 1999

"Darrell" <news at dorb.com>:
 |Didn't have much luck with bgen.
 |modulator seems handy, Is there a reason to prefer swig ?

I'm also interested in what wrapping options folks like best.
Roll-your-own, SWIG, Modulator, BGEN?  (Do others not listed exist for UNIX?)

I'm primarily thinking in terms of both ease of definition and maintenance.
With maintenance, I have in mine:

  1) automatically updating the wrapper "guts" most of the time, and 

  2) ideally providing some facility to "flag" wrapper functions whose 
     signatures have changed.

The latter point is intended to be a work queue for a human operator to act
on.  That is, for them to update the all the scripting code which uses
functions/symbols whose signatures have changed (a substitute for compiling
and linking, since our script isn't compiled and linked with the wrapped

Any pointers or insights appreciated,


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