Guido van Rossum guido at
Thu Apr 29 09:08:51 EDT 1999

Marc Saric <saric at> writes:

> Some things I would like to see in an updated version: 
> Cursor-up-and-down-history in the command shell, like in PTUI.

It's there, try ESC-p and ESC-n.  You can also do something like

	>>> pr

and then ESC-p will retrieve the previous command starting with 'pr'.

Also, you can move the cursor to a previous command and simply hit
Return; this will move it to the bottom for further editing or you can 
hit Return again to execute it.

> Some key-bindings seem to be problematic (at least with a german
> keyboard; you cant press "CTRL+ [" for indentation for example).

I admit that the key bindings are not ideal; there seems to be no
universally accepted set of bindings.  In a future version, you will
be able to customize your key bindings more easily; right now, editing
the keydefs file is your only resort.

(If someone is willing to put some effort in coding up this feature,
it would be greatly appreciated!)

> On Unix (SuSE 6.0 to be exact) I can't manage to get proper
> Windows-style copy and paste (CTRL+C, CTRL+V) (I don' like the
> Unix-key-bindungs, and therefore changed that to the
> windows-settings).

How exactly did you change to the windows-settings?  Is it ^C or ^V
that doesn't work?  (You can verify this using the Edit menu.)  ^V is
a Tk default binding for scroll-down; ^C is an IDLE binding in the
Shell window for interrupt; either might cause you problems (I haven't 
tried this myself).

> Maybe it's just me who is too stupid, and someone may help me...

No, and yes...

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

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