WARNING: AIX and dynamic loading.

Cameron Laird claird at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM
Tue Apr 27 16:39:22 EDT 1999

In article <7g4i77$qif$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com>,
Jakob Schiotz  <jschiotz at hotmail.com> wrote:
>Hi everybody,
>I would like to warn developers using AIX against this trap waiting
>for us to fall into.  (I am cross-posting this to the SWIG mailing list
>although it is not strictly a SWIG problems, as SWIG users will be
>doing just the kind of stuff that gets you into trouble).
There are several issues specific to dynamic loading
under AIX that are quite independent of Python.  Your
caching example is one I've never heard of before,
but the comp.lang.tcl crowd knowledgeable about the
Stubs project might be able to help you if you run
into more problems.  I agree that SWIG is an apt
locus for such discussion.

Cameron Laird           http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html
claird at NeoSoft.com      +1 281 996 8546 FAX

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