[python-ldap] Getting duplicate entries when calling a search to an Active Directory server

Gilad Sever gsever at proofpoint.com
Tue Aug 4 10:36:38 EDT 2020

When calling a search_ext() query to an AD server, I get inconsistent results.
Each time I query I receive different amount of duplicate, identical group objects.
E.g: I have 10 groups but I sometimes I get 12 - 2 groups twice.
I query while filtering groups: (&(objectClass=group)(member=*))
I tried tweaking the parameters and oddly this happens only when asking for the "member" attribute (also when not sending any attributes which returns all the results.
I captured the response before reaching the client and the server actually sends duplicate entires.
This occurs with ldapsearch as well.
If anyone experienced something familiar I would be glad to know if this is common with AD and if there is a way to avoid this.
Thank you,

Gilad Sever

Software Developer

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