[python-ldap] ANN: python-ldap 3.1.0

Petr Viktorin pviktori at redhat.com
Fri May 25 11:08:54 EDT 2018

Find a new release of python-ldap here:


Notable changes since 3.1.0 are:

- Long-deprecated functions `ldap.open()` and `ldap.init()` are removed
- `LDAPObject.compare_s()` and `compare_ext_s` return bool instead of 0 or 1

If you find any issues, please report them either on this mailing list 
or on the GitHub tracker:


About the project:

     python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory
     servers from Python programs. It mainly wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs
     for that purpose. Additionally it contains modules for other
     LDAP-related stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAP URLs and LDAPv3

Project's web site:


Git commit hash for the release:
     python-ldap-3.0.0  a06254e6b75fb0430fc0eaa475c30bc370d18030

Released 3.1.0 2018-05-25

This release brings two minor API changes:
- Long-deprecated functions `ldap.open()` and `ldap.init()` are removed
- `LDAPObject.compare_s()` and `compare_ext_s` return bool instead of 0 or 1

All changes since 3.0.0:

* Remove long deprecated functions ldap.open() and ldap.init()
* LDAPObject.compare_s() and LDAPObject.compare_ext_s() now return a bool
   instead of 1 or 0.
* Make iteration over cidict yield same values as keys()
* Fail if pyasn1 is not installed
* Fix parsing of PPolicyControl ASN.1 structure
* Use items() when appropriate in dict iteration
* Add support for tracing LDAP calls. Tracing can now be enabled with
   the env var PYTHON_LDAP_TRACE_LEVEL and redirected to a file with
   (This is mainly intended for debugging and internal testing; the
   configuration or output may change in future versions.)

* Fix ref counting bug in LDAPmessage_to_python

* Remove warning about unreleased version
* Doc: Replace Mac OS X -> macOS

* Add tests and coverage for tracing
* Disable warnings-as-errors for Python 3.4
* Fix assertTrue to assertEqual
* Mark several test values as bytes

* Fix error message for missing commands
* Make SlapdObject a context manager
* Disable SASL external when missing SASL support
* Make SlapdObject.root_dn a property
* In SlapdObject, build include directives dynamically
* Move import statements to top level

Code style:
* Add Makefile rules for automatic formatting of C and Python code
* Reformat and indent all C files
* Trim white space throughout the project

* Add py3-trace tox environment to Travis CI config
* Add new Pytest cache directory to gitignore

* Update all pypi.python.org URLs to pypi.org

More information about the python-ldap mailing list