[python-ldap] ldap + tls + ssf

Linus van Geuns linus at vangeuns.name
Mon Mar 5 15:45:53 EST 2018

Hi Paulo,

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 8:19 PM, paulo bruck <paulobruck1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Linux
> Thanks for observe my mistake , commented line
> # conn.simple_bind_s(cn,password)
> but unfortunatelly it is still not working...80(

Coud you provide the current stacktrace?

> Is there an options that I must use TLS + ssf  ?

I have not configured slapd for quite some time, so  I don't know.
If it works fine with ldapsearch -ZZ, my approach would be to debug
based on the errors encountered.

Gruß, Linus

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