[python-ldap] FYI: talk at LDAPcon 2013

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Mon Oct 14 21:02:49 CEST 2013


The following talk will be presented by me at LDAPcon 2013,
on Tuesday 19th November 2013:

Do The Right Thing!
How LDAP servers should help LDAP clients

Of course there are many more interesting talks on two days 18.11. and 19.11.:


Hope to see you there!

Ciao, Michael.

---------------------- snip ----------------------


Do The Right Thing!
How LDAP servers should help LDAP clients


This talk is about the highs and lows of implementing a generic interactive
LDAP client with web2ldap to be shown as example (because the author is biased
of course).

The main focus of this talk is to point out how important it is to have common
standard mechanisms to provide information to interactive clients so the
implementations can guide the user to do things right.

- rootDSE
- vendor information
- using schema at the client side (templating, plugins, fall-backs)
- how to truly optionally handle DIT content and structure rules, name forms
- number of entries/values
- find out about server-side access control (arrgh!)
- find out about server-side constraints?
- dealing with user's preferences
- audit logs

Some of this topics are shown with test servers of various vendors, some of
the topics should be viewed as possible work items for standardization.

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