[python-ldap] Sizelimit in search

Pietro Bertera pietro at bertera.it
Mon Oct 24 21:55:32 CEST 2011

Hi Michael,

2011/10/24 Michael Ströder <michael at stroeder.com>:
> Use the key-word argument sizelimit:
> http://www.python-ldap.org/doc/html/ldap.html#ldap.LDAPObject.search_ext

Ok, many thanks.

IMHO the documentation about this creates a bit 'of confusion:
OPT_SIZELIMIT is listed in options settable via ldap.set_option()

> If you actually want to retrieve the partial results until
> ldap.SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED is raised you have to use the async search method and
> retrieve the results as they come. You also might want to use ldap.resiter for
> that.

Yes, resiter is very cool.
I'm grateful for your work in python-ldap library: a beautiful piece of code.


Bertera Pietro

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