2.4.0 patches need review

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Tue Mar 1 21:13:14 CET 2011

Rich Megginson wrote:
> About the arguments and return values to result4 - with the current code
> I have to do something like this:
>     rtype, rdata, rmsgid, decoded_serverctrls, extop_rspoid,
> extop_rspval = srv.result4(msgid, 0, -1, 1)
> That is, I only want the decoded_serverctrls, but I have to add items
> for extop_rspoid and extop_rspval even though I don't want them, because
> result4 always returns a 6-tuple, regardless of what the caller wants. 
> Maybe this is the convention, to have to provide all of the optional
> return values, to make it consistent that result4 always returns a
> 6-tuple?  Because it would be pretty easy for result4 to look at its
> arguments and do something like:
> if add_extop:
>   return a 6-tuple
> else:
>   return a 4-tuple

Look at the convenience wrapper method LDAPObject.extop_result() I've added
recently. A similar method could be easily added for the case where the caller
knows that one does not expect a ext op result. I consider this to be a more
readable approach than looking at an argument.

More ideas: I'd like to let the result-methods decode the response controls
and ext op responses received. I'm thinking of adding a new optional keyword
argument where one can pass in a dict([oid:class]) which can be used to
automagically let the result method return instances of LDAPControl or

I'm also thinking about splitting LDAPControl into RequestControl and

More comments welcome.

Ciao, Michael.

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