Question: Mac OS 10.6 and Python 2.6

Torsten Kurbad python-ldap at
Tue Mar 2 10:46:13 CET 2010

Hi John,

> I was wondering if anyone has been successful building
> packages for python-ldap for Mac OS X 10.6 and Python 2.6.

a bit outdated, but you might have a look at

This .egg was built on OS X 10.5 and should work on any version (and
platform) from 10.3 through 10.6.

Exactly What kind of problem are you encountering while trying to
build on 10.6?
Did you install the latest XCode? Did you change the include- and
library-paths in python-ldap's setup.cfg according to your setup?

Best regards,
  The scene is dull. Tell him to put more life into his dying.
  -Samuel Goldwyn

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