Reading groups from LDAP

Michael Ströder michael at
Wed Jun 18 17:52:26 CEST 2008

Melita Mihaljevic wrote:
> My search filter is (it's all in one line):
> search_filter =
> '(|(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniqueMember=uid=usera*))
> (&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=uid=usera*))
> (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=usera*)))'

Why do you want to do wildcard searches? This is not guaranteed to work 
since some of the member attributes might not even have a SUBSTR 
matching rule assigned.

> Also the other thing I want to do is to search 
> (objectClass=*)&(*member*=uid=usera*). Is that possible ?

No it's not.

And for security reasons you should really stay away from wildcard 
searches when doing group evaluation! That's a security mechanism and 
therefore your code MUST be as exact as possible!

Ciao, Michael.

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