Commit new-style docs to CVS?

Michael Ströder michael at
Sun Mar 30 19:31:10 CEST 2008

Ryan Lovett wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 05:03:49PM +0200, Michael Str?der wrote:
>> Please review and comment.
> The new HTML docs look very nice and the search facility is wonderful.

> Perhaps "Front Matter" on /index.html could be changed to "Overview" or
> "Introduction"? "Front Matter" is better suited to labotomists. :)

Well the start of the documentation was IMO overkill from the very 

----------------------- snip -----------------------
LDAP programming with Python
Author:	python-ldap project
Front Matter


This document describes the package python-ldap with its various modules 
This manual assumes basic knowledge about the Python language and the 
LDAP standard.
python-ldap package

----------------------- snip -----------------------

Glancing at the Python new-style docs this should be probably trimmed to:

----------------------- snip -----------------------
python-ldap Documentation

This document describes the package python-ldap with its various modules 
This manual assumes basic knowledge about the Python language and the 
LDAP standard.

----------------------- snip -----------------------

Not sure how a PDF document looks like then.

> Also, is the floating red paragraph symbol necessary? It is somewhat
> distracting.

Hmm, I guess it comes from a standard CSS which I don't like to change. 
Same behaviour in Python 2.6 docs. The pop-up of this symbol shows the 
text "Permalink to this definition".

Ciao, Michael.

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