Local Error in simple_bind_s();

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Sat Dec 15 14:30:55 CET 2007

Leons Petrazickis wrote:
> ldap.LOCAL_ERROR: {'desc': 'Local error'}
> [..]
> But OpenLDAP commands  work fine from the command prompt:
> [..]
> I am using the python-ldap package on Ubuntu Gutsy.

I have no clue which version of python-ldap Ubuntu is using. Nor do I 
know whether they applied any patches *they* believe to be necessary 
before packaging it. Could you please try to reproduce the problem with 
a stock python-ldap 2.3.1 built from official source distribution 
against recent OpenLDAP libs 2.3.x?

Another option to track down issues is to turn on debug logging in 
python-ldap and also in the OpenLDAP libs:



l = ldap.initialize('ldap://yourserver:port',trace_level=2)

Ciao, Michael.

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