Creating Active Directory Objects

Joe Little joe at
Thu Nov 8 19:12:12 CET 2007

Here's something that may be useful in this conversation about AD  
Objects. I wrote with some reference help a script to pack a SID as I  
was creating the necessary objects to create AD accounts from python  
using python-ldap:


import base64,struct

def packsid(textsid):

   if textsid[0] != 'S':
   data = (textsid[2:]).split('-')
   rev = int(data[0])
   idauth = int(data[1])
   subauthcount = len(data) - 2
   packedsid = struct.pack("8B", rev, subauthcount, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
   for i in range(0,subauthcount):
     addpack = struct.pack("<L", long(data[2+i]))
     packedsid = packedsid+addpack
   return packedsid

respack = packsid('S-1-5-21-1398680112-2183325515-263647921-996')
resenc = base64.encodestring(respack)
print resenc

I barely remember how I arrived at each part, but it was mostly  
through trial and error.

On Nov 7, 2007, at 10:50 AM, Geert Jansen wrote:

> Michael Ströder wrote:
>> I vaguely remember that there are some issues with really  
>> activating a
>> user entry as a Windows user. But this is not a problem of  
>> accessing AD
>> via python-ldap.
> This indeed rings a bell. You need to create the user as disabled  
> (look
> for userAccountControl on MSDN), set a compliant password, and then
> enable him.
> Regards,
> Geert

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