James Andrewartha jamesa at daa.com.au
Sun Oct 28 11:14:37 CET 2007

On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 19:22 +0200, Michael Ströder wrote: 
> James Andrewartha wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks for the pointer. I've updated the code to map _ in attribute
> > names to -. Attributes without a short name are impossible to wrap - I'm
> > not expecting clients of this library to know OIDs.
> If you don't support schema elements without NAME you're not LDAPv3
> compliant. I saw schema elements without NAME and my web2ldap choked on
> this in the beginning. In this case the LDAP server returns the OIDs in
> search results.

Ok, I've added handling for them - they should end up being accessible
by obj['9.9.9'], assuming the OID is returned as a string key in the
results dictionary.

Source is now available at
http://forgetldap.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/forgetldap/trunk/ thanks to
Gagatan on #luma. It now supports modification of an entry, although it
doesn't change the rdn as yet. I'll probably look at that after I add
support for saving changes back to the LDAP server.

Anil - I've added some notes at the bottom of the source on the API the
Django ORM expects, what does Pylons expect?

James Andrewartha

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