compiled ldap libs for win32/python 2.5

Michael Ströder michael at
Thu Apr 12 14:01:14 CEST 2007

David Leonard wrote:
>  it might be possible to modify python-ldap to work with wldap32.dll and
> avoid openldap on win32.

We had a thread on this list with subject "winldap?" back in 12/2006.

My main concern is who is going to provide *continous* support for this?
Personally I can't. Also I suspect that different versions of
wldap32.dll have different feature sets. I don't have enough knowledge
about that.

> python's distutils supports mingw, so this path looks quite attractive.

I don't want to hold anybody back, but I'd like to remind everybody
hacking in this direction to think about who is going to maintain this
code for the next two years or so. I'd suggest to create a completely
separate C module called _winldap for that purpose.

And given that we e.g. added support for OpenLDAP's ldap_str2dn() the
gap between OpenLDAP libs and other vendor's LDAP libs gets bigger. And
how about extended controls?

Ciao, Michael.

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