peculiar problem

Michael Ströder michael at
Sun Feb 25 14:00:51 CET 2007

Anil Jangity wrote:
> (thanks for all the help in my previous posts)
> Hi,
> I am seeing a peculiar problem in this area of the code. I don't know
> exactly how to reproduce it. It almost like I have to wait a while and
> I see this problem.
> url = ''.join((self.server, base, '?', attr, '?', scope, '?', filter, '?'))
> try:
>     print url
>     ldap_url = ldapurl.LDAPUrl(url)
>     print ldap_url.attrs
>     print attr
> except ValueError:
>     print "Bad URL"
> The output is:
> ldap://, at
> [u'uid']
> uid
> Error - <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: ('expected string in list', u'uid')

I can't reproduce the error since you didn't provide enough code.

But this simply works regarding module ldapurl:

>>> u=u'ldap://, at'
>>> ldap_url=ldapurl.LDAPUrl(u)
>>> ldap_url.attrs

Ciao, Michael.

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