ReconnectLDAPObject doesn't reconnect after main failure

Alain Spineux aspineux at
Mon Jan 29 15:27:52 CET 2007

Convinced :-)

Best regards.

On 1/29/07, Michael Ströder <michael at> wrote:
> Alain Spineux wrote:
> >
> > Python is a language made to help and facilitate the developer work :
> > - the developer dont need to test the result of any function, python
> > (or the library) raise an exception if something is wrong.
> > - the developer dont need to worry about the memory allocation, the
> > garbage collector do it for him.
> > - the developer dont need to close a file, the system do it for him
> > when the object is released
> > - the developer don't need to worry for long living LDAP connection,
> > ReconnectLDAPObject  auto reconnect automatically for him :-)
> > - python-ldap is also thread safe .....
> Your list rather arguments for adding SimpleLDAPObject.__del__() if not
> implemented yet (I have to look at it).
> > Then why does the developer have to encapsulate any ldap statement into a
> >
> > try:
> > except ldap.SERVER_DOWN,e:
> >    SimpleLDAPObject.unbind_s(self)
> Because in case of ldap.SERVER_DOWN the application might have some
> means for fail-over, smart error handling or similar. python-ldap is
> rather low-level. I expect application developers to wrap something
> around SimpleLDAPObject which better suits there needs.
> And I'd like to avoid breaking existing code. Calling unbind_s() twice
> raises
> ldap.LDAPError: LDAP connection invalid
> Do you have an overview how other database modules handle such cases?
> Ciao, Michael.

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you

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