Old Distro

Ted Johnson whatawonderfulworldweliveintoo at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 3 19:50:12 CEST 2006

I've successfully installed python 2.4.3 and OpenLDAPwith py-ldap2 (thanks to help from this list). However, I realize that I should probably stick with python 2.3.5, because my Zope instance, which serves my Web sites and which I am not able to upgrade at this point, depends on that vintage, and I will be using LDAP to authenticate users to my portal. Furthermore, the py-ldap2 distro that I built from the ports in my FreeBSD 6.1 pulled a version of that s/w that is apparently incompatible with python 2.3.5. Therefore, I should probably d/l an old distro (after Feb 8, 2005) of py-ldap2. But where do I find it? I've only been able to find the latest and greatest.
Ted 3
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