[Webware-discuss] Re: python-ldap + webware + solaris odd problem

Winston Wolff winstonwolff at cal.berkeley.edu
Tue Mar 8 17:20:59 CET 2005

This is bizzare.  I don't have any clues to help you, but I'm 
interested in what you find out.

One funny thing that Webware does is install a custom import hook.  It 
adds an import hook to track what modules have been imported, and then 
watches them to see if they have changed.  I have no idea if it is 


On Mar 7, 2005, at 12:26 PM, Joe Pasko wrote:

> Ok this is weird.
> To recap: python-ldap is working fine under solaris 8 and 10 when run
> either from the command line or as a cgi under apache.
> Python-ldap is failing when run it under webware. Note python-ldap is
> working just fine under webware when run under linux.
> I've  traced the problem to something in the network land.
> When running under webware + solaris :
> The initial ldap request packet(SYN) is sent to the server, BUT packet
> #2 is a RST(Tcp reset) sent from the client to the ldap server.
> So the successful handshake looks like the typical TCP: Syn, SYN,ACK, 
> etc seq.
> Running under webware under solaris I get:
> Client sends SYN -> ldap server
> Client sends RST -> ldap server
> Server sends SYN,ACK -> Client
> Server sends RST,ACK -> Client
> Anyone have thoughts on what might be causing the TCP Reset( RST ) to 
> be sent?
> I'm still trying to figure out why the behavior would be different
> under webware than the command line or as a cgi.
> All help Appreciated,
> Joe.
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