Notes on ActivePython and IIS

Greg Fortune gfortune at
Wed Jun 30 21:04:49 CEST 2004

I'm on the list so no need to cc: me with your reply...

On Wednesday 30 June 2004 09:29 am, you wrote:
> Greg Fortune wrote:
> > I fought with the python-ldap module last night, but couldn't get it to
> > behave properly.  It would import when working on the command line or
> > through PythonWin, but refused to import through ASP/IIS.  I would get a
> > module not found error message.
> Please post a complete traceback.

Without any ldap module installed on the ASP page.
Traceback: File "", line 7, in ? 
exceptions.ImportError: No module named ldap

From the command line, import ldap gives
>>> import ldap
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named ldap


After copying the contents of the zip file into the site-packages directory.
Traceback: File "", line 7, in ? 
exceptions.ImportError: No module named ldap

From the command line, it imports successfully.

After deleting the necessary files and installing via the .exe, the import is 
successful from both the command line and ASP.

Python version:
2.3.2 (#49, Nov 13 2003, 10:34:54) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)]

I wrapped the traceback to make sure we were getting a full traceback as it 
didn't look terribly helpful.  The code on that page is as follows:

<%@ LANGUAGE="Python" %>

import sys
if(Server.MapPath('/admin/libs') not in sys.path):
Response.write(str(sys.version) + '<br>')

	import ldap
except ImportError, err:
	(t, val, tb) = sys.exc_info()
	import traceback
	msg =  '-----------------------------------------------------<br>'
	msg += 'Traceback:\n'
	msg += '<br>'.join(traceback.format_tb(tb)) + '<br>'
	msg += '%s: %s<br>' % (t, val)
	msg += '-----------------------------------------------------<br>'

> > This morning, I tried the .exe installer from Mauro
> > (python-ldap-2.0.0pre14.win32-py2.3.exe) and it worked like a charm.
> Very often I had seg faults when using it with standard Python 2.3.3.

This is with ActivePython, but it might have the same problem :(  I've used 
ldap with 
Python 2.3.3 (#1, May 25 2004, 08:52:15)
[GCC 3.3.2 20031218 (Gentoo Linux 3.3.2-r5, propolice-3.3-7)] on linux2
and it seems to work fine.  I'll watch for the segfaults...

Greg Fortune

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