Bug#175710: python-ldap modlist patch

Domenico Andreoli cavok at filibusta.crema.unimi.it
Sun Apr 20 18:13:11 CEST 2003

hi Michael,

On Sun, Apr 20, 2003 at 11:54:52AM +0200, Michael Str?der wrote:
> 1. Note that your code does not work with OpenLDAP 2.1.x since this version 
> does stricter error checking on entry data:
> ldap.NAMING_VIOLATION: {'info': "naming attribute 'uid' is not present in 
> entry", 'desc': 'Naming violation'}
please change the dn to whatever works for you, the problem is not here.

> 2. Strictly spoken you are creating an invalid entry with
> entry = make_entry(None)
> The attribute value list of attribute 'description' is simply [ None ] 
> which is filtered in modifyModlist() to []. But it means that the attribute 
> is assumed to be existent in the old_entry. Non-existent attributes should 
> not appear in the entry data at all.
if you state that non-existent attributes should be left out, my standing
point is, of course, wrong and all this discussion is a non-sense.

then, please note that your code is inconsistent with your affirmation
because of the last check ("elif old_value and not new_value"). here
you are explicitly checking whether new_value does not exist and then
whether the corresponding attribute is non-existent.

> Note: The diffing in modifyModlist() loops over new_entry.keys(). Whether 
> an attribute is present in old_entry is determined by existence of the 
> attribute type name in the dictionary's keys.
this is the point. None is threated as "null-string" (and then filtered)
if found in new_value and as "present" if found in old_value. this is
not a problem unless it is the only item of the list (like in my case).

indeed "if [None]" evaluates to true, while "if []" evaluates to false.

if you filtered also old_value, you would handle perfectly the case of
non-existent attributes. the choice is yours.

> Ciao, Michael.
ciao :)

-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
 --[ http://filibusta.crema.unimi.it/~cavok/gpgkey.asc
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