Feature Requests item #707547 (ldap_count_entries)

Ludovico Magnocavallo ludo at asiatica.org
Sun Mar 23 20:13:16 CET 2003

As suggested by Michael Ströder, I am expanding a bit on my RFE for adding
ldap_count_entries support.

I am working for a large Italian bank (don't look at my email, I'm posting
from my personal address from home), and we have all our organizational
units (a few thousands) and employees (around 60k) on a few OpenLDAP

We have the need to extract data from OpenLDAP and manipulate it to create
sets of xml files representing a hierarchical view of our organization. We
are currently doing this with a set of C programs developed in house, but
due to the number of rules we have to apply and the rate at which they
change I'm trying to switch the processing from C to Python (the fact that I
love Python and the other people working on this project do not is important
too, I'm trying to convince them to learn it =)).

I'm stuck at trying to generate employee count for each ou, and here's where
I got to asking to add support for ldap_count_entries. Retrieving employees
for every ou takes too long, I only need a count. Our current C programs use

My current options are staying with C, or using PHP which imho is a very
poor choice compared to Python. Unfortunately I don't know C/C++ enough to
help, and as I said the other developers don't consider Python a choice and
won't help (yes, I tried asking.....).

Thanks for any help

Ludovico Magnocavallo

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