ldap.pyd license

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Wed Mar 12 14:14:29 CET 2003

Paul Robinson wrote:
> I'm looking for information with regard to the license under which the 
> Python ldap module can be used and distributed in a commercial 
> environment. In all the downloads I can find and through all the web 
> pages available on SourceForge there is no explicit licensing info.
> I only have the "License: Public Domain" statement from the project 
> homepage on sourceforge to go on. Is there any more info I could feed to 
> a hungry lawyer? ;-)

I try to give an answer.

We had this discussion on the python-ldap-dev mailing list (see list 
archive). While it seemed that there was general consensus that we might 
prefer the unprecise term "Python Style License" there was no real action taken.

Mainly the intention behind saying "Python Style License" is that you can do 
everything with python-ldap what you're allowed to do with e.g. Python 2.2.x.

Not sure if that satisfies your lawyer though.

Ciao, Michael.

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