Remove code for set_rebind_proc() in LDAPObject.c?

Michael Ströder michael at
Tue Dec 17 16:19:30 CET 2002

Steffen Ries wrote:
> Michael Ströder <michael at> writes:
> >Anyone in favour of re-enabling method set_rebind_proc()?
> Well, I am.
> To be exact. I am interested in the functionality provided by
> set_rebind_proc, not necessarily in its implementation.

This translates to: No problem to remove the related code from LDAPObject.c.

>>It has been disabled quite a while ago and I would like to remove
>>the code from LDAPObject.c. Callbacks are pretty un-pythonic and the
>>functionality can be better achieved in a Python wrapper class.
> The last time I looked into this issue, I did not see an easy way how
> to build a wrapper class which encapsulates the rebinding. Do you
> have more ideas in this direction? I'm not sure when I'll find the
> time to work on this, but I may be able to contribute an
> implementation.

Derive from ldap.ldapobject.LDAPObject and override all the relevant methods.

I have a bunch of ideas like this. But I have to make up my mind how to 
implement these without stacking to many classes above each other. Maybe 
some kind of mix-in classes would help.

One could think of a registration dictionary for exception handlers.

> I currently use an implementation that is backward compatible with
> OpenLDAP 1.x.

You're own your own with that.

> I didn't find any python-ldap-2.x
> package for windows.

Contributions welcome.

Ciao, Michael.

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