error installing ldapmodule1.8

Ganesan R rganesan at
Tue Dec 17 12:05:46 CET 2002

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Ströder <michael at> writes:

> Ganesan R wrote:
>> Is OpenLDAP 2.0 supported?

> Not only supported. Since python-ldap 2.x OpenLDAP 2.x is REQUIRED.

>> I faced some problems compiling python-ldap with
>> it.

> Which version of python-ldap?


> Which version of OpenLDAP? AFAIK you need at least OpenLDAP 2.0.13
> when building with TLS support.

OpenLDAP 2.0.25. The verified that the problem is still present with with
the "full-featured" build. I checked the mailing list and found the reason
for my problem - "full-featured" build uses ldap_r which appears to be
broken with OpenLDAP 2.0.* versions (at least till 2.0.25). 

By the way, I had a funny experience dealing with this problem. The error
message said cannot find symbol ldap_first_reference. For some reason, I
assumed that python is complaining about not able to resolve the first
reference in the LDAP library and went about debugging with ldd
:-) :-). Finally, I realized that it's the name of an actual symbol!

By the way, I am extremely pleased with python-ldap. I have always been
reluctant to code to the C API and even when I started using python, I used
initially the external tools like ldapsearch and ldapmodify. Then I found
python-ldap. It has really made LDAP programming a breeze. Thanks a lot!


Ganesan R

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