TODO until python-ldap 2.0.0 final release

Jens Vagelpohl jens at
Mon Aug 19 23:53:20 CEST 2002

talking about the common license, is there such a beast yet and you're just 
looking for someone to go through every file and make sure it's in there? 
or is it more about producing the legalese gibberish itself? :)


On Monday, August 19, 2002, at 02:20 , Michael Ströder wrote:

> HI!
> I'd like to bring your attention to the TODO file in python-ldap. For your 
> convenience it's attached below. ;-)
> Any takers? Especially I'd like to see a general approach for extended 
> controls and extended operations. Yeah, C illiterate I am I'm asking for 
> help...
> Ciao, Michael.
> *** List of things to-do in no particular order ***
> General:
> - Define common license for all modules
> - Create a test script that exercises everything with a public
>   server holding the BLITS 2.5 test data set
> Modules/
> - Validating server's certificate when calling start_tls_s() or
>   ldap.initialize('ldaps://..')
> - General support for controls
>   - VLV control
>   - server-side sorting control
>   - Binding in DSA control mode (rewrite necessary)
>   - Persistent search control
> - Wrap ldap_parse_reference()
> - Support for Win32 (and other platforms?)
> - Support Extended Operations by wrapping
>   ldap_extended_operation() and ldap_parse_extended_result()
>   - Set Password ext. op.
>   - Whoami ext. op.
> Lib/
> - Remove obsolete/unsupported modules
> - Caching of search requests for each LDAPObject instance
> - LDIF parser for replication logs
> - DSML support
> - Support for SASL mechanims GSS-API
> Tests/
> Clean up and finish the mess of test scripts started.

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