python-LDAP on Win32

Mauro Cicognini mcicogni at
Thu Jul 18 09:34:04 CEST 2002

Richard Ferry wrote:

>This is going to be put into a production environment, so I am hesitant to play w/ something experimental. What is your experience with it?
Well, the new version appears to work fine on my system; but I have no 
time to thoroughly test every feature.

Mind that it's just a straightforward compilation of the same codebase 
everybody else's using, only done with MSVC++ (Win32, Intel). There are 
some quirks to the build process, but other than that, it compiles quite 

>Re: the  UMich libraries, are there any install instructions for this on a Win32 system?
You just have to put the DLLs on your PATH. There's two of them, if I 
remember correctly, and both are needed; they were usually found 
(already compiled) on the UMich website.

I may send you working (albeit old) binaries, if you have problems 
finding them.


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