[patch] Demo/simplebrowse.py fixes/enhancemnts

David Leonard david.leonard at itee.uq.edu.au
Wed Dec 19 17:17:10 CET 2001

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Michael Ströder typed thusly:

> Note that in X.500 DNs are usually noted from root to entry's RDN in
> the order left-to-right. In opposite with LDAP the order from tree
> root to entry's RDN is right-to-left (separated by comma, see RFC
> 2253).

ahhhh... that was the cause of some of my confusion.  thanks.

Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
> yes, some intermediate levels may not exist, but don't you want to
> see corresponding exception with your own eyes?

mmmm.. yes - i guess its just a demo as you say :)

David Leonard                           David.Leonard at itee.uq.edu.au
Dept of Inf. Tech. and Elec. Engg   _   Ph:+61 404 844 850
The University of Queensland       |+|  http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~leonard/
QLD 4072  AUSTRALIA               ~` '~ B73CD65FBEF4C089B79A8EBADF1A932F13EA0FC8

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