Internationalization patch, i18n, iconv, ...

js9s at js9s at
Wed Oct 17 07:18:34 CEST 2001

UNIX(LINUX)  is the only OS I know that has the internationalization (i18n) concept. Windows, VMS and many other less known OS, such as milkyway etc., only have the concept of localization (L10?).  This patch may be used for localization purpose as well, but its main target is the i18n type of applications.  Don't know about mac, but since it is mainly a personal system, my guess is that it is just like windows, L10 only.

any way, I appreciate the good work in the free software community, and like to contribute something back.  I have no interest getting into the OS squabbling, especially with mac fans.


jmlittle at wrote:

>I wouldn't suggest that the audience here is 100% linux. Rather, a 
>majority likely is not
>On Tuesday, October 16, 2001, at 10:41 AM, js9s at wrote:
>> The iconv is part of glibc 2.2.2 and above, so iconv.h should be in any 
>> recent LINUX system if the C developement environment is configured. If 
>> older than glic 2.2.2, you might have to install the iconvlib 
>> seperately.
>> I did try to use PyString_(De/En)code, but it is not very well suited 
>> to openldap type of applications, especially if dn has mixed ascii and 
>> utf8 encodings.  But I will be happy if someone can prove I am wrong.
>> Thanks.
>> J.
>> David Leonard <david.leonard at> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 13 Oct 2001, js9s at typed thusly:
>>>> I just worked out the python-ldap so that it will convert the
>>>> local charactors to utf8 or vice versa according to the user locale
>>>> setup.   This is done because OpenLdap currently only support utf8,
>>>> so  one has to make the  translation.   I tested on zh_CN.GB2312
>>>> (simplified Chinese), and it worked.  By no means it is a complete
>>>> test, but it is a good start, and it worked for me.  The patch was
>>>> generated against the CVS tree check out yesterday, so it is pretty
>>>> recent.
>>>> Here is the patch in the attachment.
>>> hi
>>> sorry i have been unable to respond to you - i had marked your
>>> message important but have been busy of late. :(
>>> i'm glad you send it to the list, because it will stand a better chance
>>> of being reviewed there.. a better chance than just sitting in my 
>>> mailbox.
>>> here are my comments from a quick perusal of the diff
>>> ... the diff is reversed. (took me a moment to figure out what was
>>> going on there!.. the order is 'diff <old> <new>')
>>> ... you're relying on an iconv.h header file, which isn't on every
>>> system. (especially mine)
>>> .. I think instead to use PyString_Decode() and PyString_Encode()..
>>> that way you get python unicode string objects.
>>> i'm not an expert on these things, but here is a cut and paste from
>>> a python header file:
>>> /* Create a string object by decoding the encoded string s of the
>>>   given size. */
>>> extern DL_IMPORT(PyObject*) PyString_Decode(
>>>    const char *s,              /* encoded string */
>>>    int size,                   /* size of buffer */
>>>    const char *encoding,       /* encoding */
>>>    const char *errors          /* error handling */
>>>    );
>>> /* Encodes a char buffer of the given size and returns a
>>>   Python string object. */
>>> extern DL_IMPORT(PyObject*) PyString_Encode(
>>>    const char *s,              /* string char buffer */
>>>    int size,                   /* number of chars to encode */
>>>    const char *encoding,       /* encoding */
>>>    const char *errors          /* error handling */
>>>    );
>>> d
>>> --
>>> David Leonard                           David.Leonard at
>>> Dept of Inf. Tech. and Elec. Engg   _   Ph:+61 404 844 850
>>> The University of Queensland       |+|  
>>> QLD 4072  AUSTRALIA               ~` '~ 
>>> B73CD65FBEF4C089B79A8EBADF1A932F13EA0FC8
>>> Make sure that you have enough free memory in your temp directory.
>>>    - Sun StarOffice README

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