patch to compile with OpenLDAP 2.0.7

Konstantin Chuguev Konstantin.Chuguev at
Fri Nov 17 17:26:36 CET 2000

"Jeffrey C. Ollie" wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 03:34:54PM +0100, David Leonard wrote:
> >
> > eg  ufn_search_s() might be #ifdef'd out and some python program that wants
> > to use it will get a NameError when it tries to use it. A better exception
> > would be NotImplementedError.
> I don't have a huge problem with that.

Neither do I.

> > A similar problem arises with 'constants'.. I'm not sure what to do here..
> > make all undefined cosntants equal None?
> No, as this will cause problems that are harder to debug as None may
> be a valid parameter in some cases.  If you let NameError exceptions
> be raised you can immediately track down the offending reference.  I
> don't think that adding code to raise NotImplementedError in the case
> of undefined constants buys you anything but code bloat.

I would agree with Jeffrey here.

> > also there should be some nice way of reliably determining the
> > underlying library's api version ... maybe _ldap.api_version...
> > any suggestions on how that might be done nicely are welcome.
> I'd suggest using LDAP_API_VERSION, LDAP_VENDOR_NAME, and
> LDAP_VENDOR_VERSION.  There are also some miscellaneous

I think David is talking about determining an API version in Python. IMO, as all
the python LDAP calls and methods go through the python-ldap anyway, there is a
little reason to uncover C API implementation details to the python level.
Knowing which features are supported is useful though. But it doesn't
necessarily have to be done by creating constants in python-ldap which values
are set at the compilation time. For example, if you try to set the version
attribute to any value in python-ldap compiled against OpenLDAPv1.2, you'll get
an exception; same case with using ufn_ methods etc.
I mean, python-ldap should try to hide as many libldap implementation details
from the python level as possible, and if it cannot, to indicate it in the most
native (Python-wise) way of failure (such as exception).
As for C LDAP macros indicating vendor, version and supported features, I don't
know much about them. I used approach suggested by Kurt Zeilenga in the attached
message. I didn't touch anything related to Netscape/Mozilla/Umich SDK in my

There is one thing I don't like in the patches. A client may need ldap.REFERRAL
exception to return a list of referral URLs, along with the standard LDAP
exception information. Currently, I see no way to attach a variable to the
exception object dictionary, as LDAPerror function does not have enough
arguments for that. What I have done on the patches is a hack, imitating LDAPv2
behaviour. Maybe we should consider extending LDAPerror function somehow...

> Jeff
> P.S. Konstantin: I didn't receive a copy of your e-mail with the
> patches, could you try sending it again?

Sure, I'll send them directly to you in the next message. Not sure if it'll get
through, because the original message failed with the following error:
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. The following address(es) failed:

  jeff at
    SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<jeff at>:
    host []:
    550 Cannot route to <jeff at>


          * *        Konstantin Chuguev - Application Engineer
       *      *              Francis House, 112 Hills Road
     *                       Cambridge CB2 1PQ, United Kingdom
 D  A  N  T  E       WWW:

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From: "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt at>
Subject: Re: How to check OpenLDAP version?
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 17:13:42 -0800
Size: 1742
URL: <>

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