[Python-ideas] Operator as first class citizens -- like in scala -- or yet another new operator?

Yanghao Hua yanghao.py at gmail.com
Sun May 26 16:05:47 EDT 2019

On Sun, May 26, 2019 at 9:34 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
> Irrelevant though. I've ridden in a car - does that make me a
> petrochemical engineer?

No of course not. But if you are able to build one faster from
scratch, you are. We all know building a house with chisels and
hammers is different from using CNCs and 3D printers. I do think the
revolution of HDL is just begin, and Python's contribution to it seems

> This discussion may need to move to python-list rather than -ideas, as
> this isn't really progressing towards any sort of language
> improvement.

This is exactly why I initiated the discussion, if no one thinks
overriding assign without messing up existing operator matters to
Python, I think I have to accept it. Doesn't matter how it ends up, I
urge the python community do give it a second thought. (Don't you guys
think it is odd that Python can overrides almost every operation but
not for assignment ... is assignment really worthy being a special
case?!) I think I have tried to explain every single thing to the
extent I can, I will switch to listening mode ... Thanks all of you,
the python community, for the feedback.

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