[Python-ideas] Operator as first class citizens -- like in scala -- or yet another new operator?

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Thu May 23 19:59:39 EDT 2019

On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 06:23:31PM +0200, Yanghao Hua wrote:

> Is this (<== and ==>) something can be made into CPython?

If it goes into CPython, eventually every other Python needs to do the 

Of course it *could* be put into Python, but you haven't given 
sufficient justification for why it *should* be put into Python.

Why does your DSL need a seperate assignment operator? How is it 
different from regular assignment?

Could you use __setitem__ instead?

Instead of this:

    variable <== thing  # magic happens here

can you write this?

    obj.variable = thing  # magic happens here

If your DSL is so different from Python that it needs new operators, 
perhaps you should write an interpreter for your language and run that 

    code = """
    any syntax you like <- thing
    result = interpret(code)


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