[Python-ideas] New explicit methods to trim strings

Robert Vanden Eynde robertve92 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 09:06:05 EDT 2019

> And this really is simple enough that I don't want to reach for regex's
> for it. That is, I'd write it by hand rather than mess with that.

Well, with re.escape it's not messy at all :

import re
def trim_mailto(s):
  regex = re.compile("^" + re.escape("mailto:"))
  return regex.sub('', s)

With literally means "if you have mailto: at the beginning, replace it with
the empty string"

You could do a ltrim function in one line :

def ltrim(s, x):
    return re.sub("^" + re.escape(x), '', s)

Escape will take care of escaping special characters, so the regex
escape(x) matches exactly the string "x".
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