[Python-ideas] Why operators are useful

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 15:49:29 EDT 2019

Raymond Hettinger wrote:

> Frequency of usage:   Math provides ∑ and ∏ because they are common. It doesn't provide a special operator for sqrt(c**2 - b**2) because the latter is less fundamental and less common.

Here's some more information. Below is an example of an area, where
sqrt(c**2 - b**2) is both fundamental and common. And that it might be
helpful for Python to provide a (named) function for this operation.
Whether or not, or how, a symbolic expression should be provided is
another question.

This one example by itself does not refute Raymond's argument. I
certainly think caution is required, in promoting the needs of one
group of users at the expense of another. Best avoided, if possible.

Don Knuth, in METAFONT, implemented special '++' and '+-+' operators,
that he called Pythagorean addition and subtraction. The latter is
precisely Raymond's sqrt(c**2 - b**2), but calculated more efficiently
and accurately.

This is described on page 66 of Don Knuth's METAFONT Book.

The `^|++|' operation is called {\sl^{Pythagorean addition}\/}; $a\pyth+b$
is the same thing as $\sqrt{\stt a^2+b^2}$. Most of the ^{square root}
operations in computer programs could probably be avoided if $++$ were
more widely available, because people seem to want square roots primarily
when they are computing distances. Notice that $a\pyth+b\pyth+c=
\sqrt{\stt a^2+b^2+c^2}$; we have the identity $(a\pyth+b)\pyth+c=a\pyth+(
b\pyth+c)$ as well as $a\pyth+b=b\pyth+a$. It is better to use Pythagorean
addition than to calculate $\sqrt{\stt a^2+b^2}$, because the computation
of $a^2$ and $b^2$ might produce numbers that are too large even when
$a\pyth+b$ is rather small. There's also an inverse operation,
^{Pythagorean subtraction}, which is denoted by `^|+-+|'; the quantity
$a\mathbin{+{-}+}b$ is equal to $\sqrt{\stt a^2-b^2}$.

ASIDE - wikipedia
In https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_addition, wikipedia using
the symbol \oplus for Pythagorean addition, and does not mention
Pythagorean subtraction.

ASIDE- \pyth and Python
Don Knuth uses \pyth as a macro (shorthand) for Pythagorean. It's got
nothing to do with Python. The METAFONT book goes back to 1986, which
predates Pyth-on by about 5 years. That said, Pythagoras was the
founder of a new way of life, and Python is a new way of programming.


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