[Python-ideas] add fluent operator to everything

Bruce Leban bruce at leban.us
Wed Feb 20 14:15:51 EST 2019

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 11:03 AM Rhodri James <rhodri at kynesim.co.uk> wrote:

> On 20/02/2019 18:24, Bruce Leban wrote:
> > a = [1,2,3]
> > (    _:=    a    ,_    .append(4)    ,_    .sort()    )
> I'm not sure what problem you are solving here, but if that's the
> solution I'd rather have the problem.  There is absolutely nothing in
> that syntax that suggests what's going on.
Given the responses, I think I was a bug more obtuse than necessary. My

This is already in Python 3.8. I am NOT actually suggesting a change to the
language. I'm showing how to "solve" the "problem" of wanting to write
chained method calls on a single line. I agree the solution is unreadable
and worse than the problem. Any other proposed solution is merely
bikeshedding the syntax and I think suffers from the same non-readability
problem. For example these are essentially the same:

_:= a  ,_. append(4) ,_. sort()
a :: append(4) :: sort()

--- Bruce
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